Tuesday 5 April 2011

Stop working to make other people rich.

If you're having to borrow in order to get the latest shiny new gadget, or have loans and credit cards to see you through to the end of the paycheck, then YOU ARE A SLAVE. A slave to finance, a slave to debt, a slave to interest.

I'll say it again. YOU ARE A SLAVE.

If you don't pay it back, you'll be paying even more money back. Fines, bailiff fees, interest on the interest.

Stop borrowing. If you can't afford it, don't buy it. Those little bits of interest that you pay in order to keep up with the Joneses are keeping you poor. Add it up over a lifetime of credit card splurges, loans, new cars and mortgages, and how much do you really think you're paying for that shiny computer or grossly-inflated home?

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